Access Tokens

Tokens are keys generated on the Kondado platform that allow other applications to programmatically interact with our APIs and Webhooks.

With access via tokens, your applications can:

  • Create and edit connectors, destinations, integrations, and models
  • Trigger integrations
  • Receive data in your data warehouse via webhooks

All this flexibility also comes with the same level of security that our platform offers.

See below how to interact with your tokens.

Accessing the token page

1) Once logged in, click on your email (top right menu) and then on settings

2) On the settings page, locate the "Tokens" section

3) You will see the token page, where you can create new ones or activate and deactivate existing tokens. The tokens are linked to the user who created them.

Creating new tokens

4) Once on the token page, to create new tokens, click on the button on the right "NEW TOKEN":

5) In the text box that will open, type a description for the token and click on "CREATE". We recommend that this description be related to the use of the token (for example, to receive leads from RDStation) and that you use a token for each different application - currently, there are no limits to how many tokens you can have in an account

6) After clicking on CREATE, our platform will generate your token. It is composed of two parts:

  • Token key: Drawing a parallel with a username and password used to access some site, the token key behaves like a user
  • Token: this information is similar to a password and will only be displayed at this time. Keep it in a safe place (or directly in the application that will interact with Kondado)

After saving the token in your notepad, click OK

7) Done! your new token is created

Managing your tokens

8) When you already have tokens created, you can activate or deactivate them at any time by clicking on the switches on the right, in the "Active" column. Deactivating a token will make it inaccessible.

We recommend that you "rotate" your tokens from time to time. Just deactivate an old token, create a new one and replace it in your application.