Blip (Take)

Based on the Blip API documentation

Adding the data source


  • Use an account with administrator access


1) As an administrator, login to your Blip (Take) account;

2) Once logged in, select the chatbot you want to integrate;

3) On your chatbot page, at the top right, below your name, click on the gear button to go to settings;

4) In the settings page, on the left bar, select the option of “Connection information”;

5) Now just navigate to the bottom of the page, where you will find the “HTTP Endpoints” section, copy the value of your token displayed in “Header authentication (Authorization)” including the word *Key* that is at the beginning:


ATTENTION: It is important to copy the “Header authentication (Authorization)” field exactly as it is in the Blip, including the word Key if it is there

6) On the Kondado platform, go to the add new sources page and select the Blip (Take) data source;

7) Now just paste your token obtained in step (5), name your data source and click “SAVE”.


Relationship chart


idtext[en] the id of the ticket
statustext[en] the ticket status
ratingfloat[en] the ticket rating for the agent
customerdomaintext[en] the domain of customer
agentidentitytext[en] the agent identity
teamtext[en] the ticket team
sequentialidfloat[en] the ticket sequential id
parentsequentialidfloat[en] the ticket sequential if when transfered
storagedatetimestamp[en] the ticket creation date
closedboolean[en] define if the ticket is closed
providertext[en] the name of the agent provider for ticket
statusdatetimestamp[en] the date of the last status
externalidtext[en] the providers ticket id
unreadmessagesfloat[en] the number of unread messages
opendatetimestamp[en] the ticket open date

1. This integration refers to agent chats
2. Due to API limitations, only tickets created less than 1 month ago or with closed=false status are returned