Metadata in Kondado

Much of the efficiency of data projects is linked to the quality of your knowledge management. The more data sources and objects are under your company's management, the more critical good organization and traceability of information becomes.

A fundamental component of data traceability is metadata, which, simply put, stores additional information about your data. Metadata is not just "data about data", they are capable of succinctly describing what a piece of data means without having to look at the data itself.

When you use the Kondado platform to centralize and model information from various sources, the transited data is deleted from our servers as soon as this goal has been achieved - ensuring that you have the only copy of this information.

To make this data flow in an assertive way, our platform internally uses a concept created by us called "Common Metadata Schema" or CMS.

The CMS allows us to standardize information and formats from various different sources in a scalable and agile way - thanks to it we can quickly provide new connectors and ensure communication between our graphical interface and our integration and modeling servers in a secure way.

Today we took a step further and included in our platform a metadata search feature. Now you can search for table names, columns, and queries to track the complete flow of your data. Here's how it works:

Access our platform and, in the top bar, type the term you want to search for and press enter:

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You will see the complete results of your search. In the example below, the term "mautic" was searched in all the metadata of your integrations and models: names, tables, columns, and queries. You will see in the "Hits" column where the term you searched for was found

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Now, imagine that you are looking at your destination database and found a table called "bitnami_mautic_ma_email_stats_full" and want to know where it comes from, how often and how it is configured. Since you already know that it is a table, you are not interested in columns that have this name, for example.

You can apply these filters by clicking on "FILTERS" just below the search box

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Just select the fields you would like to be searched and press "SEARCH"

In this case, we searched for the term and included in the search the "Full tables" and "Delta tables" of the integrations and "Table name" of the models. Now you have managed to locate which integration or model controls the table and can check its details.

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