01. The basics

Welcome to Kondado! On this documentation page, you can learn more about the Kondado platform, find tutorials, and answer all your questions to better enjoy your new data integration platform.


What is Kondado and what does Kondado do?

Kondado is a fully cloud-based data integration platform, whose purpose is to centralize all the information from your tools in your analytical database, without you having to write a single line of code. We function as a bridge between your tools and your analytical bank, so we don't keep any data with us. We are the process behind all your metrics, KPIs and indicators, bringing always updated data to your bank so that you can manipulate and view them as you wish.

What doesn't Kondado do?

Kondado does not integrate between two systems (example: taking data from Pipedrive to your telephony tool); Kondado is not a data manipulation and visualization tool; Kondado is not a destination database; Kondado does not store your data.

How do I start using Kondado?

To start using Kondado you first need to have an account. To create your free 14-day trial account, click here. After creating your account, just register your destination database, your connectors and start creating your integrations.

What is a destination?

The destination is your analytical database, where you want to centralize the information from all your tools. Kondado sends data to PostgreSQL, Redshift and BigQuery databases. You can register and send data to as many destinations as you want through Kondado.

What is a connector?

The connectors are your tools and/or databases, from which you want to extract information to take to your analytical database. Examples: Salesforce, Hubspot, MongoDB, Pipedrive, MySQL, among others.

What is an integration?

The integration is responsible for taking the data from the connector (your tools or banks from which you want to extract information) to your destination (analytical database). When creating an integration by Kondado you must specify which object of the connector you want to integrate to your destination (examples: Salesforce Leads object, Pipedrive Deals object, table X from your database). Therefore, each integration consists of: 1 destination + 1 connector + the object of this connector. After creating an integration by Kondado, it will run automatically at the frequency you define when creating it. At any time you can change this frequency as well as activate/deactivate and edit this integration. For the limits of your plan, we only count active integrations.

What is a model?

Kondado sends the data from your tools to your analytical bank in full, so if you want to make any transformation in your data, you can use the model creation functionality. Models are created with basic knowledge in SQL, triggered by integrations (or other models) and materialize the transformations in tables in the data destination (ensuring the performance of the final query) and making that, whenever new data arrives at your destination, they already go through your transformation.

How does the historical data load work?

The first 5 days of every new integration created on the Kondado platform are free for the historical data load from the connector to be made without charge to the limits of the chosen plan. The first load of every integration usually takes longer than subsequent executions and depends on the amount of historical records in the data source. Therefore, it is not possible to estimate the time it will take for the lines to be loaded in the destination, which can take minutes, hours or even days.

Types of integration according to the method of data replication

Currently there are 3 different types of integrations on the Kondado platform: integral, incremental and incremental with update window. The type of integration is defined by Kondado taking into account technical aspects of the connector. Most of the integrations available on the platform are incremental or incremental with update window, but in some cases, this is not possible.

  • Incremental: In each execution of the incremental integration, the target table is updated only with new records or those that have been updated in the data source after the last savepoint date.
  • Incremental with update window: In each execution of this integration, all the data from the data source is read and written from the last savepoint date subtracted by the number of days defined by the update window. Example: If an integration has a savepoint date of 08/09/2021 and an update window of 7 days, all records since 01/09/2021 will be read.
  • Integral: In each execution of the pipeline, all records from the data source are read and written.

Removed data (or "deleted") from the source will continue to be present in its destination, unless the replication method is integral or the source has a deletion logic marked via field instead of removal (soft delete).

Savepoint and update window

Savepoint is a date that defines from which moment the data will be read in the data source for insertion in the destination. This date, in the data source, can correspond to the date of creation of records, date of modification, among others. After each execution of the integration, the savepoint is updated to the most recent date, so subsequent executions can start from this new date (and continue updating it continuously).

History table (deltas)

When creating a new integration it is possible to choose to keep a history table, in addition to the main table that will be fed by the integration. The history table keeps the record of all integrated data, without deleting or updating any line. It can help, for example, to audit and analyze how a record behaved over time. The use of the history table is optional and free for all Kondado plans.

Editing integrations

After creating an integration it is possible to edit it at any time. There are two types of editing possible on the platform: basic and advanced.

Savepoint Editing

It is possible to edit the savepoint of your pipeline without the need for advanced editing. To do this, simply click on DETAILS and locate the "Properties" section on the right side to click on the pencil next to the savepoint. Only savepoints that are dates and date+time can be edited. When editing the savepoint, the ongoing pipeline execution will be interrupted. However, if there is an execution in progress, there is a risk that the execution will finish before the savepoint is updated, overwriting the edited value. Therefore, we recommend disabling the pipeline before editing the savepoint.

Archiving pipelines

Any disabled pipeline can be archived by clicking on the ARCHIVE button. This action cannot be undone and will hide the pipeline from most places in the platform. Your pipeline will only be accessible via direct link.

How to add and manage users of your account

To add, delete, edit permissions among other user settings, access the user management documentation page.

How to subscribe to Kondado

To subscribe to Kondado just log in to the platform, and follow the steps below:

  1. Click on "subscribe to Kondado Now" on the banner that will appear on your home page;
  2. Choose the desired plan among the options (to learn more about our plans and limits access our Plans and Limits page);
  3. Fill in your company info;
  4. Fill in the information of the card that will be used for monthly payments;
  5. Now just review your plan and payment method data and click on "CONFIRM";

After confirmation, your card will be validated and the transaction confirmed. If any problem occurs, you will be notified. Your plan will be effective as soon as the transaction is successfully completed.

The invoice is issued within 1 week after the transaction. The invoice will be sent to the billing emails registered in the company information step. To change the billing emails, just access Settings -> Billing after subscribing.