Authorize Kondado for organizations with session duration control

If your company has implemented a re-authentication policy for apps in your Google account, it will be necessary for a Google account administrator to release Kondado from this policy by setting our Google application as trusted by following the steps below (after all, integrations will need to run autonomously without re-authentication every 24 hours).

If you are following these steps to solve BigQuery connection problems, we recommend using the BigQuery destination with the BigQuery Service Account, which uses a different authentication method and does not require the steps below.

If you already use BigQuery with normal authentication and want to replace it with the BigQuery Service Account without recreating tables and in a massive way, contact us through the chat referencing this tutorial and we will help you in this process.

  1. An administrator of your Google workspace account must access the account management page at
  2. In the side menu (accessed by the 3 horizontal bars at the top left) go to Security > Access and data control > API controls
  3. On the App access control page, select MANAGE THIRD-PARTY APP ACCESS
  4. In the list, look for the option "Add app" > "Oauth App Name Or Client ID"
  5. In the search bar, type "kondado" and click on "SEARCH", then select the option with App name "Kondado" (and only this option)
  6. Make sure you choose the Kondado option and not Kondado SSO

  7. In the next step, authorize all listed Client IDs and then click on "SELECT"
  8. In the next step, select the option "Trusted: Can access all Google services" and then click on "CONFIGURE"
  9. Now that Kondado is set up as a trusted app, if your organization has not yet done so, it will be necessary to exempt trusted apps from requiring re-authentication. To do this, access the left sidebar again by the 3 horizontal lines at the top left > Security > Access and data control > Google Cloud session control
  10. Check the "Exempt Trusted apps" option and then just save

The changes made may take up to 24 hours to be implemented by Google.