
Redshift, created by AWS, is an ideal database for storing large volumes of data. It was developed using Postgres itself (one of the best known general purpose databases), but it has a columnar architecture that offers incredible processing speed.

In this article, we'll show you how to register a Redshift database as a destination on Kondado's platform.

Click here to access the tutorial on how to connect to your visualization tool:
Looker Studio
Power BI


1) Before adding the database, make sure the cluster allows external access and our IPs that are listed here can access it.

2) On the Kondado platform, go to the add new destinations page and select the Redshift data destination

3) Fill in your database information as shown below:

Name: This is the internal description of your destination on the Kondado platform

Address: Your database server address (this is the public IP associated with your cluster and can be found on your cluster's AWS page under Properties > Network and security settings > Publicly accessible elastic IP address)

Port: Your database port (can be found on your cluster's AWS page under Properties > Database configurations > Port)

Database: the database name (can be found on your cluster's AWS page under Properties > Database configurations > Database name)

User: the username that Kondado will use to enter data into your database. This user must have DROP, INSERT, CREATE, ALTER, SELECT, and DELETE permissions (can be found on your cluster's AWS page under Properties > Database configurations > Admin user name)

Password: the user's password

Schema: inform a schema or leave the default “public” [1]

Click save and your new destination will be created!

[1] Kondado will try to create the schema with the value informed in the “schema” parameter and if this is not possible (for example, due to lack of permission), the public schema will be used. Even if the schema already exists, Kondado must have permission to create schemas (“GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE db TO user”) if you do not want to use the public schema. For existing schemas, it is also important that the user registered at Kondado has permission to use the schema (“GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA schema_name TO user;”)