Created with Raphaël 2.1.2

Want to visualize data in Looker with Talend?

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Talend is a tool for ETL (extract, transform and load data) founded in 2005 in Redwood City (USA). Looker is a business intelligence and big data tool that helps users easily build, explore, analyze and share charts and dashboards. Kondado is a cloud platform that sends data from multiple data sources to reports, Google Sheets, Excel, ETL, data warehouses, and data lakes
Kondado can connect with multiple data sources and provide you with continuously updated data to create charts and reports in Looker without Talend
If you work with Marketing, Finance, Ecommerce, BI (Business Intelligence), Data Science, Data Engineering and/or Analytics, signup for a free 14 day trial with no credit card required and be assured that your company will be able to afford our competitive prices that start at only $19 USD/month
Hundreds of data-driven companies trust Kondado

Load data into Google Sheets, Excel, and the leading data warehouses and data lakes

Connect with dozens of data sources

If the source you want is not listed, drop us a chat message. We love to add new sources!